Mapping of regional strengths in Hydrogen
The project consortium produced the first part of the deliverable of work package 1: the Mapping of regional strengths in the field of green hydrogen.
The document analyses and connects the existing and directly related regional plans, roadmaps, and other documents related to hydrogen of the three involved partner countries. The mapping results give a first insight in what is happening in the hydrogen field in the region and will feed into the subsequent work of the EMR H2 Booster. Currently existing white spots are clarified and cross border opportunities identified.
The main focus for all regions seems to be the industry and mobility sector. Furthermore, hydrogen is often seen as an important sustainable innovation in the energy sector. More crossborder cooperation seems to be needed, especially when it comes to the import of hydrogen and the planning and building of infrastructure.
To boost the numerous, already existing activities in the region, it will be an important task for the project team to support the cooperation across city, state and country boarders and to define clear objectives, which will add value to the current hydrogen developments.
The second part of the deliverable will be completed this month and concentrates on the SMEs, research institutes and other stakeholders engaged in hydrogen in the region.